Phil's poker travel

Saturday, March 03, 2007

I had the weirdest hesitation today... (written on 2/15/2007)

I had the weirdest hesitation today. I'm not talking about the hesitation of bungee jumping off a 80m bridge. Anyone in their right mind would have hesitated jumping for the first time. What's weird was that I hesitated whether to put the toilet paper in the toilet or in the trash dispenser on the Delta airplane. It took me three seconds to realize that it's okay to put toilet paper in the toilet. Being in Costa Rica for two weeks and being used to putting your shitwipe (sorry for the graphic depiction) in the trash makes you reconsider everything you take for granted in North America.

As I took my flight out of San Jose, CR., I realized what a lucky bastard I am. I am happy. Just pure happiness. I love life. I love testing my limits, learn things, do things, be a participant of this wonderful thing, called life. For the first time of my thirty-one years, I finally have travelled alone. It's a wonderful experience. I met wonderfully nice people from all over, and some shady people who taught me to be street smart. I'm sure they're shady not from their own choice, but because of poverty or something that cause them to do that. If you're very well off, would you risk it and try to scoundrel people for $20 bucks? People do what they need to survive. I

won't make it easy for them because I gotta look out for myself, but I don't blame them when I'm f**ked. Another new experience I had is that I can successfully surf. I spent one week at Zopilote surf camp, and thanks to the help of Bruno who had given me three lessons, I was able to stand up and ride the green water waves (which are waves before they break; white water waves are waves after they break).

Another new experience as I had briefly mentioned before was bungee jumping. Freaking scary. Scary because I didn't trust the equipment. Something could go wrong. I was not in control of the situation. I had to put my trust in the equipment. Anyhow, a great honour was bestowed upon me to be the first one to jump. Seeing someone jump just before you, would relieve, um I mean mitigate, your fears because you know the darn thing works. I didn't have that luxury. So there I was on the platform after following a few commands to get into position. He told me to drop the rope between my leg. He shouted out the command... "in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 JUMP". I said "Hold on, hold on". I asked him if all the safety features were in place. He nodded. I, myself, did a quick mental check. Then I looked down and saw a shallow river flowing over rocks. Not good. He told me to look straight ahead and jump. Again, he did the countdown and this time I took a big breath in, and jumped. Hooray! I'm alive. It's freaking fantastic.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Machu Picchu -- Gesundheit, God bless you.

I just came back from an exhausting trip to Peru. We visited Machu Picchu by making a four day trek along the Inca Trail. Essentially the Inca Trail is a 45km mountainous jungle hike leading to the sacred Inca city of Machu Picchu. The trek is rated moderate and any reasonably fit person should be able to cover the route.

At first glance, I thought the trek would be a breeze. How hard can making a 1500 meter climb be? The peak is only 4215m (13829 ft). True that it is higher than any peak in the Canadian Rockies, true that it is higher than any places I've ever been (Banff, Jasper, Heavenly Ski Resort of Lake Tahoe, Jay Peak Vermont, Mont Tremblant, Yosemite NP), but it should be easy. Haha at myself. I have to say the hike was quite difficult and taxing on the body. I think I am reasonably fit because I run twice a week for 8k total, but I didn't know that it would be difficult.

The scenery is just breathtaking.

Day 1. This was a warm up hike of 10km. Very scenic, easy hike. First night camping at Wayllabamba.
Day 2. This is the most challenging day for most hikers because of the elevation, steepness of the climb, and length. It is a 14km trek of ascending to Dead Woman's Pass (at 4215m) and descending to Pacaymayu valley (at 3600m) for the second night camping.
Day 3. For many hikers, this is the most challenging day because you descend 1000m to 2650m to camp at Winaywayna. It is a 15km trek of mostly descending the mountain. One thing I realized and came to hate is that the Incas loved steps. Steps to go up to small towns and villages, steps to their "rest areas", steps here, steps there. These are not tiny steps too. I had nightmares that no matter how far I walked or tried to run, there will always be more steps. Grrr! What was amazing was 80-90% of these steps were original Inca construction.
Day 4. A good 6km trek. First a few km trek to IntiPunku (aka the Sun Gate), where you could view Machu Picchu!!! What a sight! A tour of Machu Picchu was very fascinating too. I've learned so much about the Incas on this trip. Let me just jot down what I remember so that I won't forget, and what I've learned came from my local guide. The Incas were around for a few thousand years but their expansion didn't happen until around 1200 AD. For 300 years, they expanded along the Pacific Coast from some parts of Columbia to Ecuador to Peru to some parts of Bolivia and Argentina to the southern tip of Chile. As they expanded, they embraced and incorporated the technologies of the conquered people. That is why in a short 300 years, they were able to be excellent at architecture, astronomy, metallurgy, textile, etc... Have I bored you? I am bored too. Overall the trip is just fantastic.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Feeling inspired...

It's been a very long time since I wrote anything. I am doing well.

The reason why I feel inspired to write is because of people's stupidity and their stupid rantings at an online poker table. I am playing at (WPEX), a rake free site! I play 5/10 Limit because there aren't a lot of 10/20 Limit games at WPEX. It's a bit lower than my normal 10/20 but so far I'm doing stellar so I don't need to go to 10/20.

Here is the convo between two guys... (readers beware: a lot of swearing and name calling).

Astroglide1: u r a moron
lipdog: ur a fag
Astroglide1: its better than bein stupid
lipdog: i hate gays
Astroglide1: most stupid people do
lipdog: so u are a fag?
Astroglide1: sure why not
lipdog: far queer homo of sevens with ace kicker.
Astroglide1: i take your money
lipdog: its not my money
Astroglide1: sure
lipdog: i work here dumbass
Astroglide1: sure
lipdog: makes you feel good then i take it all.
lipdog: better believe it
Astroglide1: nope
Astroglide1: i dont $49.50 with two pairs, jacks and sixes.
lipdog: cuz your gay
lipdog: i dont talk to fags so shut up
Astroglide1: nope because you are stupid an make up lies about workin for a poker site because you are a huge doo
Astroglide1: sh
lipdog: leave me alone fag
lipdog: where ya from fag? san fran?
Astroglide1: sure why not?
lipdog: seriously where are ya from
Astroglide1: san fran
lipdog: ill quit the name calling
lipdog: no your not four of a kind, twos.
lipdog: thanks man
Astroglide1: no really san fran
lipdog: ok
lipdog: cool
Astroglide1: where you from canada
lipdog: hell no
lipdog: kansas actually. toto and dorothy used to be my neighbors
Astroglide1: yeah you are you suck canadian penis all day
lipdog: liberal fucks
lipdog: pussy sixes.
Astroglide1: your money is good
lipdog: i think all queers need to die. they waste space
lipdog: your going to hell you know
lipdog: aids infested fag
Astroglide1: its all a bunch of bullshit
lipdog: what is
Astroglide1: god
Astroglide1: religion
lipdog: you are going to hell
Astroglide1: there is no hell, kings and sevens with ace kicker.
lipdog: youll find out
lipdog: eternal suffering
lipdog: fag
Astroglide1: jesus is a fag
Astroglide1: i sucked his dic
lipdog: go to hell seriously
Astroglide1: dick
lipdog: you desrve it
Astroglide1: no hell
Astroglide1: just dirt
lipdog: whatever im done talking with you fag
anytwocanwin: seriously, no name calling on religious figures... be it buddha, mohammed or jesus
Astroglide1: you believe eve wasmade from a rib sixes.
lipdog: you belive that something just went bank and there was the workd
lipdog: dumbass
Astroglide1: i love your good christian money
lipdog: im not a bible beater but fags are going to hell like it or not
Astroglide1: no hell
lipdog: exit only
lipdog: not for you though... fag
lipdog: the us would be better off without the state of california .. thats for sure
lipdog: it would get rid of half the aids and minorities
lipdog: fag
Astroglide1: stupid god lover
lipdog: have fun burning for eternity
Astroglide1: its adam and eve not adam and steve ace kicker.
lipdog: you must think its adam and steve
lipdog: fag
Astroglide1: sure
lipdog: your mom should be ashaed of herself for bringing a fag into the world
Astroglide1: Has your stupidity been tested
Astroglide1: Is your IQ over 60
Astroglide1: Because i think you might be a fuckin retard
lipdog: college grad buccy
lipdog: you?
Astroglide1: ive seen retards do better
lipdog: watch this then
Astroglide1: were not talkin about me
Astroglide1: were talkin about you
lipdog: you dont know what an education is fag
lipdog: drop out two pairs, queens and sevens.
Astroglide1: I bet your mother is your sister
lipdog: whatever. you dad is probably your lover
lipdog: fag
Astroglide1: yep
lipdog: wow
Astroglide1: youve got me pegged
lipdog: you should just go ahead and kill yourself
Astroglide1: ima father fuckin queer from san fran
Astroglide1: who is goin to hell

By far, Astroglide is the better player. I always find this amusing.

Stats right? I've been tracking again especially for this new site What is this site I'm raving about? It's rake free! You play your normal game, the rake is collected, then the rake is returned to you every Monday. On average, when I play at 5/10 the rake collected is $26/hr. I get all of this back. If I could put in 30 hours and break even, I still get to collect $780. So for the last two weeks, I've put in 40 hours, +2202 in profits, and $1049 in rakeback! Amazing numbers! I think I could do 30 hours a week.

I've missed qualifying for two major WPT tourneys: The North American Championship at Niagara Falls, and the World Poker Finals at Foxwood. There are two more major ones... one is in the Bahamas and the other is in Australia.

My travels? Been to the East Coast of Canada Oct 7-15. Spent 9 days driving from TO to Quebec City to NB to PEI to NS and back through the US side to TO. East Coast Canada is beautiful! I delayed my Costa Rica trip because I didn't feel like a vacation yet. Kinda missed the cold and snowy winter in Toronto. It's my first winter in Toronto since leaving for Harrisburg on December 1st, 2000. Long eh? Anyway, I am loving it here. Upcoming trips? Going to Peru to visit the Inca Trails Dec 25-Jan 1. Costa Rica Feb 1-15.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

What a summer! And August poker summary.

What can I say... life is really good.

My brother is engaged!!! To quote his fiancee, "After almost 7 years ... the time has come. We're engaged!" Can you tell she's excited? I am too. This will be my second honour as the best man, third time if you count being a co-bestman. Being the best man is like sleeping with the Queen of England. It's a great honour but nobody wants to do it.

Dragonboat was fun and is finally over for year 2006. We won a gold medal (or as my team liked to say, "bling bling") in the London race. We raced at Stratford and came a hair's breadth from winning another medal. It was oh so close!

Being on the dragonboat team has many folds of benefits. First, it's a physical activity and it's outdoor, both of which I love. Second, I get to meet new people or become better acquainted with familiar faces :). Third, it gives me a reason to hit the gym regularly and now I'm almost near the best shape of my life.

Those were a little tidbits of my life. Now onto poker for those who are curious about my progress. Recently, I spent one entire weekend plus two weekdays playing poker in Atlantic City. I went to The Borgata Casino and my goal was to try to qualify for a WPT seat. Spent $840 in 3 tourneys to qualify but that didn't happen. I also played two tourneys: $1000 NL hold'em, $1500 NL hold'em. I lost the $1500 NL one, but got in the money for the $1000 NL. I got 28th among 576 players, good for $1728. If I hung around for 27th, I would have gotten $2880. I was ecstatic not because I made a profit, but because that was my first time getting "in the money" for a live poker tourney. Now my name "Tuan Tran" is in some searchable poker database! It's a little progress, a confidence builder, a tiny stepping stone but I'll take it. I also played at the Tropicana for their highest limit game... $7.50/$15. It's so low it's kinda like a joke but I still played because I just wanted some live entertainment and a wad full of money when I leave. Everytime I sat down, I won $400, $250, $600. I also played online poker in my hotel room.. (lol talk about being excessive).. and I won too. Overall, despite losing the $840 qualifiers and the $1500 tourney, and paying for hotels, gas, food, and all that didn't cost me a penny and I still had leftover money to buy a couple of gifts for myself and a worthy adversary, and a donation to my dragonboat team. Fantastic trip!

August Poker Stats:
Limit Hold'em $10/20: +$3463.75, 45.41 hrs, $76.27/hr
MTT tourneys: +$36.4, 19.31 hrs, $1.88/hr
Overall: +$3500.15, 64.73 hrs, $54.07/hr

Again, anyone looking at these stats should really be paying attention to the Limit Hold'em stats. It's my bread and butter. The tourney results are very sporadic because you could be losing and breaking even for half a year, then boom, you are up $150k. I'm playing for that "boom"!

September Forecast:
I'm no longer worried about my online poker performance. I will look for ways to improve my limit hold'em rate and to play more often! There are 4 upcoming WPT poker tourneys I'm hoping to qualify, 2 of which are really nice!
North American Poker Championship, Fallsview Casino -- Oct 25-29
World Poker Finals, Foxwoods -- Nov 12-16
Pokerstars Caribbean Adventure, Atlantis Resort, Bahamas!!! -- Jan 6-13
Aussie Millions Poker Championship, Melbourne, Australia!!! -- Jan 14-19

If I could make it in either the Australia or the Bahamas one, I'll be killing two birds with one stone.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

No WSOP and July wrap up

This will be short. I didn't qualify for the WSOP main event seat. I spent $1600 in various events and as hard as I tried I couldn't win it.

July was a mediocre month. In my June post, I had high hopes that this would be a breakout month but it wasn't.

July Poker Stats:
Limit Hold'em $10/20: +$2258, 29.55 hours, $76/hr
NL Hold'em: -$92, 0.66 hours, -$138/hr
SNG tourneys: -$109, 0.13 hours, -$817.50/hr
MTT(WSOP, etc...) tourneys: -$130, 26.08 hours, -$4.98/hr
Overall: $1927, 56.433 hours, $34.15/hr

August Forecast:
MTT tourneys are looking good recently. I got 181st among 5899 people in the $215 buy-in; good for $1,415. And 55th among 930 people in the $162 buy-in; good for $510. I could and should have gone far. August will be a couple of hours of limit $10/20 during the day and a $162 MTT tourneys at night. See how that goes.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Poker funnies

There are some moments in life where people just cheer you up and make your day worth living. Today is one of those days. I just started playing heads-up limit tourney for fun. I am addicted to that game like any video game junkie to her Xbox. Against my friend JC, I played HORSE, Stud, Omaha H/L for $5 games. With other people, I only played limit hold'em tourneys anywhere from $5 to $100 heads-up, although most of the time it is $20 heads up. The monetary gain is too small; I play this for fun only.

Anyway, back to the person who made my day. I played $20 limit hold'em heads-up tourney with him. He is a pretty decent player. One of the better ones I've played. I won the game but that's not important. What's important is the fun I had exchanging some kindly and unkindly words with him. (Of course, I took the high road and didn't swear or slander at him but he's just equally mad with my Zen-like talk... haha). I find his anger mixed with tilt play and confusion ridiculously HILARIOUS. I'm anytwocanwin, he's Sunday8pm. Note [my comments go here]. Here goes:

Sunday8pm said, "SICK"
Sunday8pm said, "****ing moron"
anytwocanwin said, "what limit do u usually play in cash games?"
anytwocanwin said, "i think you're pretty good"

Sunday8pm said, "dont lick my *** please" [HILARIOUS!]
anytwocanwin said, "wow"

Sunday8pm said, "you **** the deck so badly"
Sunday8pm said, "sh1t"
anytwocanwin said, "i play at 10/20"
anytwocanwin said, "this is my fun game"
Sunday8pm said, "im sure your very great"
Sunday8pm said, "but you are a calling station"
Sunday8pm said, "and will never make money"
Sunday8pm said, "as long as theres a pair on board"

anytwocanwin said, "i'll explain everything later"
Sunday8pm said, "or you have ace high"
Sunday8pm said, "there is no way you pass"

Sunday8pm said, "nice catc"
Sunday8pm said, "95% you had flush draw"
anytwocanwin said, "your read is incorrect" [I had AcQs. I check raised flop of 7cQc9s. He reraised. I capped. Kc is the turn, I betted. He folded. I had top pair, not a flush draw on the flop]
Sunday8pm said, "i dont think so"
Sunday8pm said, "either that or JT"
anytwocanwin said, "that's your style maybe"
Sunday8pm said, "whats your style?"
Sunday8pm said, "just raise with top pair and better"
Sunday8pm said, "and call ANY pair or ace high"
anytwocanwin said, "i think u nailed it"

[I raised preflop with TQ spades. He reraised preflop as he usually does. I called.
Flop was Jc 4s As. He betted. I called. Turn was Tc. He checked. I betted for value, thinking I have the best hand at the moment because he doesn't have the Ace. He folded.]
Sunday8pm said, "jeez this is ****ing sick"
Sunday8pm said, "how many aces can you sh1t out in 1 game?"
Sunday8pm said, "SICK"
anytwocanwin said, "you shouldn't be tilting"
Sunday8pm said, "im not"
Sunday8pm said, "but your sh1tting the deck"
Sunday8pm said, "what the fk else can you do"
anytwocanwin said, "maybe i don't have an ace. maybe i just call to represent"
Sunday8pm said, "looool"
Sunday8pm said, "ive re raised you pre"
Sunday8pm said, "so im representing an ace by betting"
anytwocanwin said, "you've done that with T8 or 72"
Sunday8pm said, "so why would yu call to represent"
Sunday8pm said, "clueless fkwit"
Sunday8pm said, "im not educating you no more"
Sunday8pm said, "frankly embarassing having to educate you"

anytwocanwin said, "i'm sure you know stuff but i do know it too"

Sunday8pm said, "seriously this is sck"
Sunday8pm said, "sick"
Sunday8pm said, "seriously sick"
Sunday8pm said, "odds of you hittng top pair or better every time im betting is just sick"
Sunday8pm said, "passing a ten"

Sunday8pm said, "K2 clubs"
Sunday8pm said, "getting really sick"

Sunday8pm said, "A2"
anytwocanwin said, "you should understand how to play with position better"
Sunday8pm said, "seriosuly"
Sunday8pm said, "****"
Sunday8pm said, "ive played limit for 5 years"

anytwocanwin said, "same here since mar 01"
Sunday8pm said, "well thats embarassing how bad and lucky you are"
anytwocanwin said, "hehe"

Sunday8pm said, "A6"
Sunday8pm said, "why cant i sh1t out top pair every hand?"
Sunday8pm said, "looooool"

Sunday8pm said, "Q8"
Sunday8pm said, "sick sick sh1t"
anytwocanwin said, "if u play with anger, u can't win"
anytwocanwin said, "it controls u"

Sunday8pm said, "im not"
Sunday8pm said, "how do i beat you when every time im betting"
Sunday8pm said, "you flop top pair"
Sunday8pm said, "no fker in the world could beat you right now"
anytwocanwin said, "just be cool about it and focus on positions, starting hands, etc.."
Sunday8pm said, "because you have a deck stuck up your a55"

[In reality, most of the time I don't have a top pair. In fact, I missed the flop quite a lot. Chances of getting a pair on the flop is much lower than not getting. What I do reasonably well is bet in position (being the later guy to act), and getting away from hands that he played back or I have suspicion he has something]

[I raised preflop with K4. He reraised preflop. I was aware he'd reraise with anything. I called. Flop was T94. He betted. I called. Turn was Ace. He betted. I called. River was 6. He betted. I called. He had J8o. He had an open end str8 draw on the flop but missed his draw. I won sticking to my any pair rule. "Let the donkey do the pulling".]
Sunday8pm said, "loooooooll."
Sunday8pm said, "enough"
Sunday8pm said, "take my chips this is embarassing"
Sunday8pm said, "1. wtf you doing with bottom pair after raise and re raise pre"
Sunday8pm said, "2. i have 14 outs"
Sunday8pm said, "TWICE"
anytwocanwin said, "u should know your opponents and yourself well"
Sunday8pm said, "WHAT THE **** ARE YOU ON"
Sunday8pm said, "WHAT THE **** DID YOU PUT ME ON???????????"
Sunday8pm said, "SERIOUSLY"
Sunday8pm said, "WHAT THE ****"
Sunday8pm said, "EVEN AN ACE CAME"
Sunday8pm said, "**** ME"

anytwocanwin said, "also from matusow and caro "let the donkey do the pulling""
anytwocanwin said, "i'm not saying you're a donkey"
Sunday8pm said, "YOU ARE SICK IN THE HEAD"
anytwocanwin said, "but it's how i see playing limit" [heads-up limit I meant to say]
Sunday8pm said, "YOU ARE ILL"
Sunday8pm said, "SEE A DOCTOR"

anytwocanwin said, "i know u have a lot of moves up your sleave"
anytwocanwin said, "i'm impressed but i know those moves"

Sunday8pm said, "SLEEVE"

anytwocanwin said, "come on.. that's a word i rarely use."
Sunday8pm said, "I DONT GIVE 2 SH1TS"
anytwocanwin said, "not like i'm spelling "your" like you're"
Sunday8pm said, "GET ON WITH IT"

[He was all-in. But he won.]
Sunday8pm said, "WP"
Sunday8pm said, "GG"
anytwocanwin said, "u got this"
anytwocanwin said, "nice"

Sunday8pm said, "UN****INGREAL"
Sunday8pm said, "SERIOUSLY"

[With little chips left, we raised back and forth, he was all-in preflop. I had K3 clubs. He had K6 spades. Likely a tie because of low kickers. Flop was Qc 2c 8d.]
Sunday8pm said, "I GIVE UP"
[Turn was 6d. River was 8c.]

anytwocanwin said, "sorry"
anytwocanwin said, "gg"

Sunday8pm [observer]: WASTE OF ****ING TIME
Sunday8pm [observer]: I KNOW YOU GONA HIT IT
anytwocanwin [observer]: i'm 15 for 16 in heads up limit
anytwocanwin [observer]: just started

Sunday8pm [observer]: I DONT GIVE A ****

anytwocanwin [observer]: lol
anytwocanwin [observer]: you didn't fool me

anytwocanwin [observer]: i seriously know to play with a ck raise on draws at the flop
Sunday8pm [observer]: USE THE $20 TO PHONE SOMEONE WHO CARES
anytwocanwin [observer]: etc...
anytwocanwin [observer]: i've seen it often
anytwocanwin [observer]: i'm doing this for fun...
anytwocanwin [observer]: ok back to 10/20

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Back from Europe... also June poker stats

Europe was fun but exhausting. We did so much walking that we all got blisters on our feet.

London... spent two days. Day 1: Took the London Sightseeing bus tour and walked around Soho and Trafalgar Square. Day 2: Visited the St. Paul's Cathedral, Tower of London, the Tower Bridge, London Aquarium.. exhausting day.

Amsterdam... spent two days. Day 1: Took the boat tour along the Amsterdam canals. Never knew Amsterdam had canals and quite many of them! Walked the Red Light District. Day 2: Van Gogh Museum, pot, and more walking along the RLD. Pot was disappointing. I smoked two joints yet didn't feel a thing. My friend concurred. At least now, it is crossed off from my list.

Athens... spent two days. Day 1: National Archaeological Museum. I am an ancient greek art connoisseur :). Point me an object and I could tell you what period it came from (Neolithic, Cycladic, Geometric, Mycenean, Archaic, Classical or Hellenistic). Day 2: Spent time around the Acropolis and its related sites. Athens is super cheap!!! $72 Euro a night plus each gyro is only $1.50 Euro (1 Euro is 1.45 CAD). Heinekens are sold at street carts among other water and pop drinks for $1.10 Euro. What a deal!

Rome... spent 3 days. The Roman ruins were not so impressive because of what I saw in Athens. Same columns and arches and I don't think Rome's stuff was as grand in scale as Athen's. However, the Vatican city did make up for it all. St. Peter's Basilica and its square are humongous. The Sistine Chapel is breathtaking.

Barcelona... spent 2 days. Barcelona has one of the world's best beaches. I spent two days around the beach while my friends spent one day at the beach and the other day seeing attractions of Barcelona, which isn't much.

Paris... spent 3 days. Day 1: Eiffel Tower. Day 2: Notre Dame, The Louvre Museum. Day 3: a free museum, the Aviation club, Arc de Triomphe, Champ Elysee street. You could definitely spent the entire day at the Louvre. Saw the Mona Lisa and other Da Vinci paintings. KN and JC got kicked out of the Aviation Club (a poker club) because of not having proper attire. Leon de Bruxelles is a restaurant to die for if you're into mussels.

June Poker Stats:
Limit Hold'em $10/20: $2,250, 11.6 hours, $194/hr.

I only got to play one week out of four. Two weeks I was in Europe, one week I was in Virginia Beach and was dropping by Harrisburg. From those road days, I managed to squeeze in 2 or 3 hours.

July Forecast:
These days, my plan is to play as little as I need to but with a lot of intensity. My aim is to make $400 a day when I can. There will be slow (even money) or bad (losing money) days. So the said target is not set in stone. Some days I love it when I only need to spend 30 mins to reach my target. Those days I have the whole day off to do whatever I want.

July will be an intense month of solid poker. I will do two things: play my regular 10/20, and qualify for the WSOP main event. Although last year's WSOP result was disappointing, I had a lot of fun. Can't wait to be back there. Crossing fingers.